
DisCal uses a simple-to-understand permission scheme for handling access to commands.


Requires ADMINISTRATOR or MANAGE_SERVER permission nodes, or being the guild owner


Requires DisCal control role (default control role is @everyone)


Everyone will always be able to access (unless commands are disabled for the channel)


Requires guild to be a patron-guild at the early access tier or higher


Only DisCal Developers are able to use these commands

viewProvides info and a link to the Guild's calendar/calendar view (overview) (calendar)Everyone
listLists all calendars owned by the guild/calendar listEveryone
createStarts calendar create wizard/calendar create [name] (desc) (timezone) (host)Elevated
nameSets the calendar's name/calendar name [name]Elevated
descriptionSets the calendar's description/calendar description [description]Elevated
timezoneSets the calendar's timezone/calendar timezone [timezone]Elevated
reviewDisplays calendar wizard properties/calendar reviewElevated
confirmCommits the changes made in the wizard/calendar confirmElevated
cancelCancels the calendar wizard/calendar cancelElevated
deleteDeletes the calendar/calendar delete (calendar)Elevated
editStarts the calendar edit wizard/calendar edit (calendar)Elevated

newCreates a new auto-updating calendar overview message/displaycal new (time) (calendar)Elevated

viewDisplays the event's details/event view [event-id] (calendar)Everyone
createStarts the event create wizard/event create (name) (calendar)Privileged
nameSets the event's name/event name [name]Privileged
descriptionSets the event's description/event description [desc]Privileged
startSets the event's start/event start [yyyy] [MM] [dd] (hh) (mm) (keep-duration)Privileged
endSets the event's end/event end [yyyy] [MM] [dd] (hh) (mm) (keep-duration)Privileged
colorSets the event's color/event color [color]Privileged
locationSets the event's location/event location [location]Privileged
imageSets the event's image/event image [link]Privileged, gif support patron-only
recurToggles whether the event recurs, and how it recurs/event recur (enable) (frequency) (interval) (count)Privileged
reviewDisplays the event wizard's properties/event reviewPrivileged
confirmCommits the changes made in the wizard/event confirmPrivileged
cancelCancels the event wizard/event cancelPrivileged
editStarts the event edit wizard/event edit [event-id] (calendar)Privileged
copyCopies an existing event's details to a new event/event copy [event-id] (calendar) (target-cal)Privileged
deleteDeletes an event/event delete [event-id] (calendar)Privileged

upcomingLists the next N upcoming events/events upcoming (number) (calendar)Everyone
ongoingLists any ongoing events/events ongoing (calendar)Everyone
todayLists the events occurring in the next 24 hours/events today (calendar)Everyone
rangeLists the events found in the date range provided/events range [yyyy/MM/dd] [yyyy/MM/dd] (calendar)Everyone

ontimeRSVPs as going to the event on time/rsvp ontime [event-id] (calendar)Everyone
lateRSVPs as going to the event, but arriving late/rsvp late [event-id] (calendar)Everyone
not-goingRSVPs as not going to the event/rsvp not [event-id] (calendar)Everyone
unsureRSVPs are unsure if you will be able to attend/rsvp unsure [event-id] (calendar)Everyone
removeRemoves your RSVP status from the event/rsvp remove [event-id] (calendar)Everyone
listLists who as RSVPed to the event/rsvp list [event-id] (calendar)Everyone
limitSets the max number of people allowed to attend. -1 to disable the limitPrivileged
roleSets the role assigned when RSVPed to the event. '@everyone' to disable. *Note: these roles are currently not automatically removed/rsvp role [event-id] [role] (calendar)Elevated, patron-only

createStarts the announcement create wizard/announcement create (type) (channel) (minutes) (hours) (calendar)Privileged
typeSets the announcement type. Valid types: UNIVERSAL, SPECIFIC, COLOR, RECUR/announcement type [type]Privileged
eventSets the announcement's event. Only needed when using SPECIFIC or RECUR types/announcement event [event-id]Privileged
colorSets the announcement's color. Only needed when using COLOR type/announcement color [color]Privileged
channelSets the channel the announcement will be posted in/announcement channel [channel]Privileged
minutesSets the minutes before an event to announce. Added to hours/announcement minutes [number]Privileged
hoursSets the hours before an event to announce. Added to minutes/announcements hours [number]Privileged
infoSets the additional info to be posted along with the event. No text input to remove/announcement info (text)Privileged
calendarSets the calendar the announcement will read from. Defaults to 1 (main calendar)/announcement calendar [calendar]Privileged
publishToggles if the announcement should be pushed to channel subscribers/announcement public [true/false]Privileged, Patron-only
reviewDisplays the announcement properties in the wizard/announcement reviewPrivileged
confirmCommits the changes made in the wizard/announcement confirmPrivileged
cancelCancels the announcement wizard/announcement cancelPrivileged
editStarts the announcement edit wizard/announcement edit [announcement-id]Privileged
copyCopies an existing announcement to a new one/announcement copy [announcement-id]Privileged
deleteDeletes an announcement/announcement delete [announcement-id]Privileged
enableSets whether an announcement is enabled/announcement enable [announcement-id] [true/false]Privileged
viewDisplays an existing announcement's properties/announcement view [announcement-id]Everyone
listLists announcements, -1 for all/announcement list [amount]Everyone
subscribeSubscribes to an announcement to be pinged when it is posted/announcement subscribe [announcement-id] (user/role)Everyone
unsubscribeUnsubscribes to an announcement, to stop being pinged when it is posted/announcement unsubscribe [announcement-id] (user/role)Everyone

viewDisplays the current settings for the guild/settings viewElevated
roleSets the role required to use privileged commands/settings role [role]Elevated
announcement-styleChanges the style announcements will be posted as/settings announcement-style [style]Elevated
languageChanges the language the bot will use in responses/settings language [lang]Elevated
time-formatChanges what format to display date/time when needed/settings time-format [format]Elevated
keep-event-durationToggles whether to keep an event's duration when changing the start or end time (default false)/settings keep-event-duration [true/false]Elevated
brandingToggles between using DisCal branding or the guild's name/image where possible/settings branding [true/false]Elevated, patron-only

discalDisplays information about the bot/discalEveryone
linkcalProvides info and a link to view the guild's calendar/linkcal (overview) (calendar)Everyone
timeDisplays the current time as seen by the calendar's timezone/time (calendar)Everyone
addcal (WIP)Starts the process to add a pre-existing calendar/addcalElevated, patron-only, dev-only (work in progress)
helpLinks to the commands page and documentation/helpEveryone